Why Should You Consider Laser Treatment for Hair Loss?

Low-level laser therapy stimulates hair follicles to promote regrowth and prevent further loss. A doctor presses a hand-held laser instrument to your scalp, which may have a cooling device or cool gel on the tip to protect your skin and reduce the risk of side effects.
You must attend treatment sessions consistently to achieve results. It’s also time-consuming and might not work for people in the late stages of pattern balding.
Permanent Hair Regrowth
Laser therapy may be the answer if you’re seeking a solution to regain lost hair. This treatment is safe, effective, and noninvasive. It stimulates hair growth, helps prevent further hair loss, and encourages dormant follicles to grow back.
This low-level laser therapy (LLLT) emits red light that targets the pigment in your hair follicles. The light absorbed by the follicles increases circulation and promotes healthy hair growth. It’s also believed to increase the diameter of your hair shaft, resulting in a fuller head of hair.
The treatment can be administered in a medical setting or at home with the help of a device like a hat or helmet with laser diodes embedded in it or a comb designed using similar technology. In some studies, LLLT effectively treats pattern hair loss, including a receding hairline, thinning hair, and male or female baldness.
Some people experience transient shedding of telogen hairs immediately after starting the therapy, but this is temporary. Many people have significantly thicker and fuller hair after regular sessions.
Reduces Scalp Inflammation
Inflammation can cause hair loss for men and women, so reducing inflammation may help prevent further hair loss. One way to reduce inflammation in the scalp is through laser treatment for hair loss. Este Medical offers low-level laser therapy, stimulating the scalp to minimize further hair loss and promote regrowth.
During this noninvasive, pain-free procedure, your doctor will press a hand-held laser instrument against the skin. To minimize the risks of any side effects, a cooling device or a cool gel might be used, depending on the type of laser, to protect your skin. The laser will pass through your skin and reach the hair follicles, which will be absorbed and converted into heat. This will damage the bristles and inhibit hair growth.
In the 1960s, Endre Mester conducted experiments with shaved mice to expose the skin to laser light. He discovered that the laser light improved hair growth in the shaved areas, a process known as photobiostimulation. This was the first proof that LLLT could stimulate the scalp and promote hair regrowth.
Reduces Hair Thinning
Unlike many other hair loss treatments such as pills, wigs, and hair transplants, laser therapy stimulates new hair growth. It can treat men and women with thinning hair, receding hairlines, or male pattern baldness. It also helps to improve the results of hair transplants.
LLLT is very effective with other treatments, such as PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma). This treatment uses concentrated healing cells that deliver a powerful injection of growth factors to the scalp. The combination reduces the DHT levels that inhibit hair growth and gives your follicles the boost they need to promote healthy hair regrowth.
The LLLT treatment is safe and noninvasive. However, it can cause skin irritation, so patients should avoid shaving or plucking the treated area for six weeks before and after treatment sessions. It is also unsuitable for pregnant women or anyone with a history of epilepsy, diabetes, or hemophilia. It is essential to wear eye protection when having this treatment, as it emits low-level laser light.
Reduces Scalp Discomfort
Laser treatment for hair loss, also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT), was first introduced in the 1960s when Hungarian physician Endre Mester used a ruby laser to treat shaved mice. He noticed that the exposure to the laser boosted hair growth in the shaved area of the mice. Scientists don’t know precisely why it works, but they think that the laser stimulates the follicles to enter the anagen growth phase.
LLLT is painless and requires no downtime. A session usually lasts about a half-hour or less. You’ll need to schedule regular treatments twice a week or more for a few months. Consistency is essential since the treatment is most effective while the follicles are in the anagen phase when growing new hair.
Before each session, make sure to shave the treatment area. You should also avoid sunless skin creams and other hair removal methods because they disturb hair follicles. Also, if you’re taking blood thinners or photosensitizing drugs, talk to your doctor before you begin laser treatment.
Reduces Hair Loss Risk
During a laser treatment, you wear special goggles to protect your eyes from the beam of light directed at your scalp. An assistant may shave the area and apply a topical anesthetic to reduce discomfort. Shaving, plucking, waxing, and electrolysis should be avoided for several weeks before treatment to prevent disturbing the hair follicle. Using sunless skin creams that darken the skin should also be avoided, as these can interfere with the effectiveness of the laser treatment.
The first laser hair loss treatment was developed in the late 1960s by Endre Mester, a Hungarian physician. Mester was testing the carcinogenic effects of lasers and used a low-power ruby laser on shaved mice. He noticed that the laser improved hair growth in the shaved region of the skin. This was the first demonstration of photobiostimulation with LLLT and opened a new medical path.
Despite the positive research into laser treatments for hair loss, not all devices work equally well. It is essential to consult with a doctor like Dr. Bapna to determine if you are a good candidate for this noninvasive therapy. He will perform a series of tests to find the best noninvasive solution for your condition.
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